The past 2 weeks have been filled with VBS (vacation bible school) craze. Well let me tell you there is nothing 'vacation' about it! Madeline and I are now dealing with the repercussions of preparing and teaching VBS - we're both sick with colds. On the bright side, Jason is with his camping crew (Julia and Bryce) and several other friends from our church in Galveston camping on the beach. This was my first VBS experience. I had Madeline last year one week prior to VBS and the 5 years before that we were overseas. (I dont think the churches over there have gotten the over-achieving bug for VBS to want to go all out, nor do many of them have the financial wherewith all). And, as a child we did not belong to a Church so this really was my first time. And I as blown over. Blown over by the amount of prep work, the extent of room and auditorium decoration, etc, etc. I really do hope that many young lives had true seeds of belief in the King planted in their young hearts. And I am sure they were. There was much focus on how Jesus fulfills Old Testament prophesies about the coming Messiah. I just love them... For example, in Jewish tradition the lamb for Passover was selected 5 days before it was killed - Jesus road into Jerusalem on a donkey on Palm Sunday 5 days before He was crucified. This next example is not for certain but we learned this year in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) that it is very probable that the Jews were actually eating their Passover meal when Jesus was hanging on the cross. He really is our Passover Lamb! As a cute aside, Bryce likes to call Jesus "The King" and I love it. And he's absolutely right. This year our theme was the Olympics, finishing strong in Christ and each day focused on a different aspect of Jesus life. On the last day, every child and teacher partook in an actual Passover feast with lamb and unleavened bread and the rest of it. I was really was glad to be a part of it. Julia's favorite part? "Snack!" Why, I ask. "Because we had cookies!" Yes, many of you can laugh because it is true that some may think our kids deprived because they do not have much junk food.
Jason called to let me know how camping was going. They swam all day and after a minute in the car all kids were asleep. Bryce experienced (he takes after me in this) what we like to call LBS (low blood sugar) just prior to lunch where he becomes limp, "cant walk" and has a tantrum. The kid needs major amounts of protein, I tell ya. Here is the camping crew... Madeline will join when she is weaned, so in about 5 years.

Is anyone else watching 'So You Think You Can Dance'? It is just fantastic. My friend, Wendy and I danced together in high school (she coerced me into trying out...) and she I and watch it religiously. Check it out...